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That was intense.

*thumbs up*


This is so intricate and unsettling


fantastic <3 I really love the way the shifting textures and room topography work together to create the game's tone :)


Amazing work.


This was amazing, There were a few time where I just had to stop and admire the room I was in because they gave me such a strong impression of massive foreboding structures and landscapes.

The narrative on the other hand made me feel genuinely claustrophobic in parts.

I'm honestly floored by how powerful this is.

Wow! This is an artistic & poetic marvel!! ✨

Absolutely stunning

This is very well done, fantastic work to all of you. The droning audio does its job of upping the intensity so well I had to refresh the page just to type this. 

This is just fantastic.


Oh my gosh this is like House of Leaves, Sierpinski Triangle Edition. Very cool art and surreal atmosphere - and I love the mess of tiny furniture toward the end!